Women Of Hope

Women Of Hope

Oct 7, 2022

Meet three dynamic Marwari women who are inspiring us with their altruistic work and relentless drive to give back to society. MARWAR talks to them about their mission and how it lent a whole new meaning to their lives.

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Of Friendship and Community Service

Of Friendship and Community Service

Jul 19, 2022

As part of the Svetaamber Terapanth Sect, the Friends 13 Group epitomises some of the most defining aspects of the Marwari ethos—philanthropy,

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A tale of compassion and charity

A tale of compassion and charity

Aug 2, 2017

A walk through kolkata’s Amherst Street, or Raja Rammohan Roy Sarani as it is now called, evokes a deep sense of nostalgia. Among its treasure trove of old, historic buildings stands an imposing red brick structure better known as Shree Vishudhanand Saraswat (SVS)

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The Rags-to-Riches Story of Ramkrishna Dalmia

The Rags-to-Riches Story of Ramkrishna Dalmia

Apr 21, 2016

It was a twist of fate that launched Ramkrishna Dalmia on the road to success, glory and fame, and it was again the hand of destiny that left him with fragments of the massive industrial empire he had built from nothing. In between

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Redefining Resilience

Redefining Resilience

Mar 17, 2016

When Dilip Piramal, the executive chairman of VIP Industries Ltd, took over the business in 1973, the sales figure was R50 lakh. Under his able leadership, the company became the market leader with the current market capital being R1,500 crore. We meet Dilip,

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The Legend that was Gujarmal Modi

The Legend that was Gujarmal Modi

Oct 16, 2015

A patriot, a philanthropist and a tireless industrialist committed to achieving unremitting growth, Rai Bahadur Gujarmal Modi was the chief architect of the huge Modi group of companies that had a telling impact on the growth of India’s commerce and industry in the

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