Marwar Tribute Night

Marwar Tribute Night

Jun 1, 2018

Remembering these committed, dauntless founding fathers of Indian enterprise and their immense contribution to national growth, MARWAR has been featuring the most outstanding among them through a series of tribute stories

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A Tribute to Titans

A Tribute to Titans

Nov 24, 2017

A Tribute to Titans – The Founding Fathers of Marwari Enterprise comes as a unique portrayal of some of the most celebrated names of the Marwari business universe, whose roles as the founding fathers of Marwari enterprise can hardly be exaggerated.

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Till We Meet Again

Till We Meet Again

Oct 16, 2015

Well-known businessman V N Dalmia’s Anand Niketan residence in Delhi recently became the focal point for the diplomatic community, the city’s socialites and other well-known faces

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By the women, for the women

By the women, for the women

Oct 16, 2015

Rani Poddar’s unwavering dedication to socio-charitable causes has seen to the successful hosting of yet another edition of Puncham Bazaar, an annual exhibition-cum-sale initiated by her more than 30 years ago

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